Can’t afford the costs of physical face to face pre-employments?

The FPES Medequest® system is an online, web-based alternative to conventional methods of screening and was developed to replicate the physical examination through targeted scientifically validated questionnaires.

Within the workplace, musculoskeletal injury accounts for approximately 80% of all workplace injury claim costs and are a major contributor to lost time, reduced productivity and increased workers compensation premiums. Medequest® combines science and medicine in the form of a software application that has been specifically developed for businesses looking for a low-cost method to mitigate these financial impacts.

Medequest® uses the reported musculoskeletal and medical history of an applicant to profile their injury risk prior to entering the workplace. This is especially of interest for large multi-sited organisations or those operating within remote or geographically challenged regions, as the costs of being examined in person become cumbersome and challenging logistically.

Whilst a face-to-face pre-employment screening is still considered the benchmark, utilising an online system like Medequest® is a more cost-effective solution for cost conscious businesses, proven to provide a significant return on investment.

Medequest® has been shown to reduce first year injuries by 55% compared with no pre-employment. The average cost of claim is in the range of $21,000, therefore stopping just one injury would provide a significant return on investment to an organisation, which is perfect for high turnover industries, such as NDIS providers.

For more information on FPES pre-employment procedures, click the link below:

For a confidential discussion on how FPES can help your business achieve a more seamless pre-employment regime, contact us via our website: