FPES Early Intervention Program

The FPES Early Intervention Program (EIP) has been utilised by some of Australia’s largest employers since 2014 and has been proven to improve recovery and RTW outcomes associated with workplace injuries. The program comprises an innovative, evidence-based approach that champions recovery and integrates closely with traditional case management models. The program offers a unique opportunity to improve recovery from injury, improve RTW rates and enhance the injured workers experience.

The FPES EIP comprises an ecosystem of processes, networks and systems that work together. Key elements of the program include:

  1. Preferred treatment providers

  2. Outcome monitoring

  3. Treatment Management

  4. Medi-Support EIP software system

  5. RTW Planner

  6. InjurySafe Injury Management System (Optional)

PROgram philosophy and intent

A primary focus on recovery from injury - The program seeks to minimise injuries by providing the right treatment at the right time. That means applying an objective, evidence-based approach to every case, starting with an accurate diagnosis and an individually tailored treatment program and RTW Plan.

An emphasis on ‘treatment management’ - Our program holds providers accountable for the treatment they provide, measuring their performance and prompting interventions when recoveries fail to reach anticipated outcomes. The program leverages systems to track the specific metrics of individual practitioners, allowing the retention of only the best providers within our network.

Tight integration with case management - Far more than just an early intervention measure or simple triaging function, the program is tightly integrated within traditional case management workflows. It provides employers with early identification of liability issues, flags delayed recoveries for specialist support and highlights ‘higher risk’ cases that would benefit from a variety of supports to address biopsychosocial factors.

Simplified RTW Planning - The aspect of our program that delivers significant efficiencies is our RTW Plans which are developed utilising our treatment providers recommendations; diagnosis, expected recovery timeframes, and current capacity. Each individual RTW Plan is utilised to set up an injured worker to recover from their injury bringing together the treatment provider recommendations and the workplace duties.


Often the main barrier to early return to work is a lack of communication between treatment providers and the workplace. FPES have designed and implemented a web based reporting and monitoring portal which enables immediate communication between key stakeholders. 

FPES staff closely monitor each worker’s progress through the Medi-Support software. Through this monitoring process FPES can identify early signs of a delayed recovery and identify the most appropriate option to manage this barrier.


A recent data review of our early intervention showed a 4.8 times return on investment.

It was also identified that the 26-week return to work rate for injured workers referred through our early intervention program was 6% higher than that of injured workers who were managed outside of our program.

Contact us on 1300 653 239 or fpes@fpes.com.au to find out more.